
Ep. 8 | 10 Things To Include In Your Zoning Letter (Grandfathering Explained)


On this episode of The Mobile Home Park Lawyer Podcast, Ferd talks us through 10 things to include in your zoning letter. These ten things ensure that you will be on the right side of the law and have no issues down the road after purchasing a mobile home park.


“This is one of the things that makes mobile home parks a little more distinct than other real estate classes. What I’m talking about today is zoning, and getting your zoning right can make or break your deal.”



0:00 – Intro
0:59 – There’s 3 types of zoning for your mobile home park; legal, illegal and legal non-conforming or grandfathering
2:26 – Grandfathering has its roots in voting laws
5:19 – A lot of mobile home park land was originally parking lots
6:03 – To preserve your zoning, it’s important to keep at least one mobile home on your lot
7:25 – A certificate of zoning or a zoning letter is government letter head which is your insurance policy to say you have a zoning right
8:41 – Make sure there are no outstanding code violations on the property
9:52 – Find out the current zone is
12:12 – You want your letter to say a mobile home can be placed on all existing vacant or occupied lots
16:30 – You want the zoning letter to reference the location of the homes in the park
19:23 – Make sure there are no restrictions on the size of the home or the age of the home
20:17 – Make sure there are no requirements or restrictions as it pertains to the concrete pillars or pads under the home
21:22 – Usually the city doesn’t care
21:23 – Ensure you’re not subject to development code or any new infrastructure requirements, impact fees or development fees based on the transfer of the park
22:35 – You want your letter to say the park was existing prior to the code of 1975, although usually this is the first thing cut out
24:06 – If the city objects, work out whether it’s worth it
25:19 – Threatening to sue and using demand letters works a tonne of the time
25:36 – If they damage the value of your property, they have taken something from you, meaning if you beat them in court you can pursue legal fees
27:33 – If you do sue and win, prepare for an appeal



Zoning Letter Checklist



Welcome back MHP Nation. And here we are again today working to help you save money and make money. Today’s topic is one of the most important pieces of MHP law. I don’t say that about everything. This is one of the things that makes mobile home parks a little more distinct than other real estate classes. What I’m talking about today is zoning and getting your zoning right, can make or break your deal. The financial mistake here will be fatal if you have improper zoning.

So talking about zoning, there’s really three types of zoning for your mobile home park. There’s legal, meaning it’s allowed, it’s legal and it’s in compliance with the current zoning code. Then there’s illegal. Meaning it is not currently in compliance with the zoning code and it was never really legally approved anyway, believe it or not, there are some mobile home parks that were just built without the law.

They just sometimes, you know, farmer John said, I am going to build a mobile home park. And the city said no. And he said, I’m doing it anyway. And he was connected with the city or the city just didn’t have the money or the stones to call him out on it. And he just kind of kept on going all this time and decades later, there’s no legal park there. You can’t buy that park because you’re not from that town. You’re not one of the good old boys. They may say welcome neighbor. And by that, I mean, welcome neighbor. Get rid of Mobile Home Park. As we all know, there’s not a lot of love for municipal government for mobile home parks. So it’s not very far-fetched to think that as soon as you buy that park, they’re going to try to get rid of you. So you definitely can never buy an in illegal mobile home park. As far as the legal, the first item there, it’s pretty rare to find a legal conforming mobile home park. And if you did new development, which is pretty rare, then maybe it would, but most all mobile home parks, they fall into this third mystical category called legal nonconforming, or is it better known as grandfathering. I’m sure you’ve all heard that term, Grandfathering.

What is grandfathering? Well, grandfathering, its roots are interesting. Historically grandfathering was used in voting laws and it’s obviously today not as popular and it’s a kind of socially taboo. Some cities and States are even trying to get rid of the term grandfathering because originally it was used to suppress the voting rights of poor illiterate blacks, mostly in the South, around the time of the civil war. And the term grandfathering came around because these Southern States were passing these laws saying you have to, you know, some things they did were passed laws, like pay a poll tax, which obviously had a money contribution to it. But otherwise there was like a litmus test, you know, like, hey, you have to build a read. Hey, you have to have some of these other criteria. So, you know, maybe even own lands and these things that typically did not happen for poor folks. Well obviously there are poor white folks, Brown folks, yellow folks, purple folk, black folks, all the above. So, that didn’t really accomplish the racist objective. So how did they get around it? They made a rule. Well, if your grandfather could vote, let’s say before 1876, well then you’re grandfathered in and you two get to vote. So essentially what they did was if your white grandpa could vote, you get to vote too. Even if you’re a poor illiterate white person. So that’s the history of grandfathering.

In today’s world, how is the grandfathering impacting us? Well, typically with zoning and by that I talk about nonconforming uses. The definition of a nonconforming uses. You know, it’s generally defined as a land use or structure that was legal when it was established, but is not currently conformed to the current zoning ordinance. So it’s legal. It’s not kind of conforming. And these preexisting land uses, these are not really favored by local governments. So they sometimes put restrictions on them to try to get you to, you know, revise your plan or revise your building. So for example, if I’m running, you know, Ferds tire shop in a residential neighborhood, and at the time I started the business that retail tire shop or service center was allowed. Then if the law says, oh, wait, now you can’t do that in this zoning district because it’s now residential. Well, I get some time to change and essentially I’m grandfathered in. As long as I keep operating as a tire shop, as a retail facility, then I get to do so. But if I ever stop and I abandoned my use or I changed my use and say, you know, I’m no longer tires, I’m going to become a bed and breakfast or I’m going to become an office building.

Well, that’s not going to work because now the current zoning says is residential. So there can be some legitimate and valid restrictions on your grandfathering, but generally, you get to continue to use the current use. So for mobile home parks. What’s really important is what is our use? Well, our use at the time when the park was established is often a parking lot, because let’s be honest, most of these parks were built in the 50, 60 seventies when people actually would pull up to the trailer court, plug in their RV/trailer and spend the night, spend a week. And back then, mobile home parks and trailers were more affluent, the people that using them were affluent. So the cities weren’t that hostile to them and you’d come to town, spend your money and go out to eat and restaurants and go to a show. And they kind of liked you. Well, obviously in the last 50 years, the stigma has changed and the income strata. If not stereotypically, the class of the clientele has changed and it’s really made mobile home parks undesirable. So it’s key that to you. If you’re going to try to maintain your zonings, that you always operate as a mobile home park, you always have at least a for rent sign or at least one mobile home on your lot. And then you can help preserve your zoning and your grandfather’s status.

So ultimately you need to read the code. This is really important when you’re under contract and due diligence to buy a mobile home park, you need to understand the code and it would be a good time to hire a zoning attorney. I know a lot of people like to play an attorney on TV, but this is probably not one of those times. And trust me, I spent about three years after law school, just focusing on zoning and municipal law at a Kansas City law firm. My mentor, Mike White literally wrote the book, Missouri land use law and Missouri economic development law. That’s about 2,500 pages. And I served as his co-editor with him on that publication. It’s a treatise, which is the foremost authority on the topic. So I got up to my eyeballs and zoning variance as special use permits and a number of other things related to Municipal law. I can tell you, they don’t teach you at all that in law school, you got to get experience after law school.

So they definitely don’t want you to do it if you don’t have that experience, you don’t have a law background. So this is not a time to be Chancy. This is a super important, you have to get your zoning right. I’m going to go over 10 key provisions now, that you have to have in your zoning letter or your certificate of zoning, basically this is a certificate of zoning or the zoning letter is a letter on the city’s letterhead that you can rely upon. And you want it to be, this is for company and lenders, investors, successor’s partners, assignors. Basically when I sell the park, I can say, look, this is golden. And it’s kind of like your insurance policy. So you want to make sure this is written by the right person. So when I draft this letter, I will typically contact the planning director. If you can go straight to the planning or zoning director, it’s generally easier. They start going up the food chain to the city manager or the mayor, or sometimes gets involved or they bring in the city attorney. Then it becomes more difficult and you have more negotiation. I’ve had many times where I draft a very detailed, very favorable zoning letter. And I convinced the city planning director or zoning director that, Hey, this is all the gospel. And you’ll just believe it. And typically it’s right and true. But some cities don’t agree. Sometimes I’ll get guys who just say, okay, cool, where do I sign? And they will sign it and send it right back. And it’s a really easy to get valuable piece of paper. Other times you have to fight and we’ll get into that here a little bit, but I’m going to go over 10 key things that got to be no matter what in your zoning letter, at least on your first try. Sometimes you got to negotiate down and sometimes you just can’t negotiate down, but here’s what I like to have in there.

Number one, reference that there are currently no outstanding code violations for this property. If there are, let me know, and you can, maybe they’re a big deal. Maybe you can use them for renegotiation with the seller, but if they’re a big deal, you want to know about them. I bought a park once and the prior park owner did not do this. And literally like the first week they operated here, they had to get a business license. It’s like a hundred dollar business licenses. But that caused a review of the entire park. And there were like 26 zoning code violations present on the property on day one, they then bought like 10, used their new homes to bring into the park and the city would not permit them. They said, we’re not going to permit the homes until you fix the prior violations. They made them, the people set the homes on site. They were then required to take them off site and then go rent a parking lot, parked them off site where they were all vandalized. They then had to bring them back onsite after fixing all the code violations, get their permits, renovate new homes while on site. I mean, this was a school of hard knocks to the tune of thousands of dollars of tuition, something you don’t want to pay.

The second item that your zoning letter should cover is what’s the current zoning. Let me just say, this is currently zoned R4, general and multifamily residential district, whatever it is, and then have them identify and set forth, which of the three categories it is. It’s legal, illegal, or the typical legal nonconforming.

The third item you need in your zoning letter is really just a reference that it’s not subject to the redevelopment or expansion provisions of the code. Meaning, you know, and I say this and as a follow-up to our discussion routine repair maintenance and operation of the park, open parents, including bringing in additional mobile homes, close parent does not trigger the redevelopment or expansion to provisions of the code. So one of the key tenants of grandfathering is you cannot expand or exacerbate the use. So if I currently have first retail building in a residential neighborhood and my building is 4,000 square feet, I cannot increase it to 5,000 or 6,000 or 10,000. That’s a problem. Some cities will give you some leeway where, if my buildings knocked down, I can rebuild it the same size. Or if my buildings knocked down less than 50%, I can repair it, that’s it.

And I can always do routine maintenance. Like I can, you know, fix the roof of my building. So for a mobile home park, which you don’t want is to fall into the new development or redevelopment provisions of that code. Because basically a lot of cities, since they don’t like mobile home parks, they can’t straight up block them from being in the community because there’s some constitutional challenges like that with just like, you’ll see a lot of types of towns, like an asphalt plant or a dirty bookstore or something on the outskirts of town or outskirts of the County, because they’re required to give it some place to be. So they don’t put it on Main Street. They stick it out in the back. So mobile home parks, they’re kind of required to allow them, but the way they get around this, they just put these really onerous, you know, safety and moral welfare provisions. Like you must have 30 foot robes, you must have four foot sidewalks. You must have curbs and gutters and storm water detention and BMPs and underwater storm shelter and underground storm shelter and all these sorts of things that just add the cost to basically make new development, financially infeasible. So you don’t want to, you know, just repave your asphalt and knock down two houses and get dinged as like, oh, this is a new development, redevelopment. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You want to just say, Hey, it’s not subject to these codes unless I do A, B and C. And sometimes I will specifically reference the code provisions for each of these different criteria.

Okay. Number four, you want your zoning letter to say a mobile home can be placed on all of the existing vacant lots or pads. And they also like to say, and it has setbacks in with section R4 M1. Remember the zoning districts are, you want to build them to tell you what your setback requirements are. Number five, a mobile home could be placed on all the existing occupied mobile home park lots. So you had number four was vacant lots. Number five is occupied. Because you may want to tear down a house. The house may move out. You don’t want to lose that lot forever. So it’s important to bifurcate to two and reference both of them in your zoning letter. And then also reference the setbacks. And setbacks is something that I really like to try to get the city to basically waive or exempt. The only setback that never wave is fire code and the fire code trumps your constitutional rights of grandfathering because it’s for the public health and safety. You can’t put a mobile home two feet from another mobile home. Even at the time the park was built, there was no setback requirements. It’s generally 10 or 15 feet between homes, but that setback is harder to get rid of. The setback that you can get rid of, if you’re good at this, and it’s this, you can persuade the city that you’re just a parking lot and you predate the code. You can get rid of the exterior perimeter setbacks.

So I’ve got a park here in Missouri, I had about 30 vacant lots that from the internal street to the exterior property line, the lot was like 76 feet one inch. Well, a very common size mobile home is a 1680, which is a 16 by 76. You take four feet off for the hitch or the tongue. And I could fit that in there physically with an inch to spare. A couple of times, I think I touched the neighbor’s fence, don’t tell. Okay, that’s 76 foot home. That’s a nice three bedroom home. I can sell that home in my sleep as opposed to a 66 foot home and that’s a little tougher. Well, the setbacks exterior in the zoning code said 15 or 20 feet, depending on front rear and side setbacks. Well, that’s going to really neuter the size of those lots. I’m going to be bringing in a 48 foot home, 54 foot home. I mean, there may be a double wide, well maybe I can’t afford double wides or my market can’t support them. Or maybe that’s, the houses are going to be too close together from side to side. And it costs me lots. That was a big problem. So I fought the city on this and I convinced the planning director that my park predated the code and therefore no perimeter setbacks applied to me. And he eventually agreed. And you know what? In the last two years, I think I’ve got three left and they got brought in and moved and sold or rented 27 perimeter lots with 76 foot homes.

In the meantime, a national operator, top five mobile home park owner bought a park, literally a thousand feet down the street from me and those guys, they must not have hired a zoning lawyer because they’re clearly a bigger, better operation, right? Well, maybe not in this little niche because you know what they did. They got setbacks at the third hearing too. And they have a 60 foot home in there, in a couple of cases 66 foot home. These guys demoed 60 bad homes in their park, brought in 15 homes spec the first day, we literally bought these products about the same time as the other. So I’m going head to head with these guys. A year later, I think they sold two or three. They still have the original 60 foot homes there because nobody’s going to buy a three bedroom, 60 foot cracker box, tuna can, when I got a 76 footer right down the street and they got it great, they got extra 15 feet of backyard. Nobody cares, people care about side yards where you build a deck and the they care about interior size of their home. So getting the setbacks right, I mean those lots in that municipality they’re worth about 40,000 an occupied lot. So I’m literally talking this one point on one park make or break me a million dollars. And I got a national operator down the street, getting their butt kicked with 60 foot homes. And I pity that manager. I tell my manager all the time, like, aren’t you lucky you’re not selling these. And they’re like, I drive in there about once every two weeks, really just to kind of make my day that we are winning because of that zoning letter, can’t emphasize enough how important this stuff is.

Okay. Next number six, you want to join the letter to reference the location of the homes within the park and the internal setback or spatial requirements. Because as I mentioned, the fire code can drop you. But sometimes the cities will have internal space requirements, like 40 feet. That’s crazy. I want to get them to exempt that. I’ve even gotten exempted on paper, even though I know the fire Marshall can come in. So I don’t put homes closer than 10 feet, some places 15. And typically the concrete guy or the install guy will be attuned to that too. And they’re like, Hey man, I’m not putting this home. I’ve to get the tape measure. And it was like 10 feet, one inch. And there was an Eve like an awning on the home and I got the plan director to comes specifically, that’s what the code inspector actually, codes inspector specifically put in writing that he’s counting the body of the home, to the buy the home and not the owning side. That was really like eight and a half feet apart. So anyway, it’s important to get stuff in writing. Another quick story, one time I didn’t get it in a writing because of the timeline to close and because of the difficulty of the seller. So I couldn’t make it work to go to the plan commission.

This was going to require a variance actually, which we’ll get into another episode. But a variance is basically an exception from the zoning code, generally due to an undue hardship that you didn’t cause. And I was looking to bring in a couple of homes. It was like an 18 space park. I was bringing three homes and the alley and the setbacks was not going to allow me to bring in the three, unless I got a variance. Talk to the planning administrator or city administrator and the mayor. And they all said, great. Out-of-state guy going to bring in some new money, fill this park up, clean this park up. Sounds great. Well, while we were under due diligence and after our earnest money went firm, that mobile home park that was literally adjacent to ours and it was really beat up and rough. One of the homes caught on fire. I think it was like a meth deal and somebody burned alive and they died in this fire. And luckily the rest of homes didn’t catch on fire, but that’s the nightmare scenario. Like, you know, Niro or Chicago’s fire or something that one starts to next to the next, the next. So everybody was just gun shy and they said, we’re not going to let you cram in a home closer than the current law. You either going to pour new investment in here. So that happened to me. And I had just closed the park, or I was in the process of closing the park, of buying it. They, they said, they’d still give us the variance. We went to the city council, planning commission, they said, no. They said no again. So we sold that park. We immediately put it for sale and said, you know, you don’t deserve our investment Canton, Missouri. That’s where it was. So we were really pissed. Because they told us they give us a deal and then they didn’t. But that’s the only time I trusted the government. You know, Ronald Reagan is famous for saying trust, but verify. It was in reference to the Soviet Union. I become more cynical. Maybe that’s the lawyer in me, but I don’t trust and I verify. So that Canton, Missouri story is part of the reason there.

Next up number seven zoning letter, that there are no restrictions on the size of the homes or the age of the homes. And there are some federal law guidelines that any homes pre HUD, pre 1976 cannot be relocated into the home. Really can’t under the park, but really can’t be transported. But that doesn’t happen very often anyway. So sometimes I’ll throw the city that bones, nothing before 1976 I’m not going to do that. I’m going to bring in newer homes, nineties, two thousands, fix them up, you know, maybe brand new homes, even depending on the market. But some cities will try to put this in there. It’s generally not enforceable, but it happens a lot. I get a lot of calls from people saying, hey the city says I need to bring in homes five years or newer. Okay, is that five years from today or is it a rolling five years? Do I have like a five-year shot clock? You know, like I’m buying a 92 tourist or something and it’s only a matter of time it’s going to implode. That’s not a very good thing to agree to. So I would fight that like crazy.

Number eight, make sure that the zoning letter says that code does not impose any requirements, restrictions as it pertains to the concrete pillars or pads under the homes. Okay. Typically the cities don’t regulate the mobile home install. They may have a certificate of occupancy or some sort of permit, but they don’t typically get too into the weeds on the infrastructure underneath the concrete, the state does the state really carries out the HUD rules, HUD rules, depending on your location what the frost line is like in a lot of my places, it’s anywhere from 36 to 42 inches of concrete depth, that’s really expensive. And you’re talking about $3,500 to $4,000 on a single wide, almost double that on a double wide. If you’ve got to use home, typically you’re immune from HUD code, or at least the state’s not inspecting it. So you can do six inches of concrete or plastic pier pads. And you’re talking a couple hundred bucks or maybe a thousand bucks, so much cheaper. So that’s one reason why people like the used homes, which we will talk about more in different episode, but I like get the city to say, they’re not going to mess with me on that. They usually say we don’t care. And so I at least started throwing it in there.

Okay. Number nine, I mentioned earlier about not being subject to the development code based on expansion. And another thing you want to make sure is that you’re not subject to development code or any new infrastructure requirements or impact fees or development fees based on the transfer of the park from you. Some cities will say, Oh, now it’s a transfer. You need to pay this new fee. I bought a park and I asked them specifically, are there any transfer fees, impact fees, development fees. They said no. And bought it in the beginning of the year. I bought it December 21st. And they said, you got to pay us to the city permit. Okay. It’s not due till April 30th, but they had announced with the transfer you got to do it again. I was like, okay, what is it 50 bucks? No, this was in a different code revision. I didn’t catch it. It was 25 or $50 per lot. It was $1,350 or something. I then had to 10 days later turn around and do it again, because the last guy’s license wasn’t good. And like that was a pain, you know, paying the same fee twice in the first two weeks, not fun. So really you want to get them to sign off there’s not enough stuff and tried it. And I’ve learned to expand my verbiage on that provision.

Number ten, this is kind of my catchall. The mobile home park predates the code of 1975 and the code of 2017, whatever it is. The city often will not know how old the park is. So I’ll throw something in there. Of note, the city makes no representation as to the exact age of the park, other than it existed as a mobile home park prior to the code that was adopted in 1975. Of note, the current owner of the property, indicates the park was constructed prior to 1975. And that gives us some cover. Well, here’s the deal. That’s, I don’t say that’s kind of a weasel clause, but generally one to nine, the city, zoning guys is like nodding his head, like, yeah, yeah, that’s right. It is this current zoning. It is the current setback. Okay. But then like this number 10. I mean, if you really want to fight, you could say wait a second, you just said I predict the code and I break the code. Then you’ve admitted the code is not applied to me and I’m grandfathered. And every once a while you get a city that has outside counsel. Now these smaller towns, they don’t have, they have like a one size fits all attorney that makes like $62,000 a year. And they do, you know, lawsuits. They do HR, they do contracts. They do public works, legislative assembly, all that stuff. And they’re kind of Jack of many trades, you know, Jack of all trades, but really an expert not in zoning. So they don’t catch that. But some cities, they don’t have a regular attorney at all. So they have to hire outside counsel from two counties over. And then that guy charges $400 an hour. And he’s like throwing that provision out. So I throw it in there, but it’s also like the first one that gets lopped off all the time.

So those 10 things are my kind of dreams, zoning letter, city objects, then what do you do? I mean, first you got to decide that it’s worth it. I mean, I had a client that the city objected and the guy was just obstinate, you know, crotchety old man, this is my zoning code. You know, I said, you know, you’re wrong and we can Sue you. He goes, bring it on. So I told the client, like if we Sue, it’s going to cost probably $25,000, they are going to appeal. And it cost another $25,000, then you’re going to win. Great. What do you get? Well, you get to use the three lots that might have homes that are a little too big now, or a little too close to the property line now. And those homes were still functional. Do you want to mess with that? And he’s like, no, I don’t. So we lost, we just caved because it was not a legal decision. It was a business decision.

And that’s something that I try to bring to all my situations, all my clients and all my own projects is look, I’m going to put on my businessman cap for a second, take off the lawyer cap. Lawyer cap going to bang his head, his fist on the table and say, we’re going to win. And I’m going to sue. And here’s my bill. Hey, I’m all about client advocacy. But sometimes you have some common sentences say, the juice ain’t worth the squeeze. So you have to decide that first and you decide that really throughout the process, that’s kind of the decision point. There’s numerous decision points, due diligence. And then at some point you may say, you know what? City objects, I read the code and I hired a zoning lawyer and we’re going to sue. And really it’s a threaten to sue and demand letter. And that works a ton of the time.

And here’s why cities, a lot of small towns especially, they can’t afford to go to litigation and they certainly can’t afford to lose. And here’s the smoking gun. This is probably the most important thing in zoning law. I learned this from Mike White, because zoning is in your grandfather rights as a constitutional right. If they give you an unreasonable right, they are unreasonable at using your property or they have an unreasonable right to rezone, or they essentially damage your value against your cancellation rights. They’ve taken something from you. It’s a taking, I think it’s under the eighth amendment and the 14th amendment of the United States constitution. But the key with it when they violate your constitutional rights is under the civil rights act of 1976, title 42 civil rights act. You can, which is obviously had nothing to do with mobile home parks. And really, I don’t think anything to do with zoning. But on the title 42 of the civil rights act, if you win, you can pursue legal fees.

Normally in America, they call the American rule is if I sue you and you sue me and vice versa, whether I win or you lose both parties pay their own lawyers. And that really deters a lot of litigation. Because these lawyers aren’t free. You can do that on plaintiff’s contingent fee stuff. Like you only pay me if we win, but in most litigation, each party pays their own legal fees. There is an exception on the civil rights act. So you can go to the city and you can, when you file a lawsuit, you can also file the claim for attorney’s fees and the civil rights act. And my old law firm in Kansas, in Missouri. They did this several times. I was not the litigator on the team, but the people down the hall, they did this several times and they won. And man, that was painful. And you got a whole, you know, top law firm billing this thing. City doesn’t want to hit with $150,000, $200,000 bill. So it really acts as a bluff. Now you can’t blow up every time it’s like playing poker, right? So the firm one, some of these and that reputation got around. So bringing that up or finding your local law firm, I mean, unless you’re local, but some in your state or somebody who’s knowledgeable, that can bring that hammer, man, that’s huge. And that really can get them to cave fast.

But if you do sue and you win, you got to prepare for an appeal because the city’s hate to lose. And there’s a small city outside of Kansas City and it’s called Village of Oaks. They’ve been sued like five times in their zoning code and they’ve won several of them. They’ve lost, I think one or two. And then they appeal. And it just becomes a big quagmire that nobody wants to be in a lawsuit, except for maybe the attorneys. But even then, I don’t even know why an attorney would want to be in that lawsuit. I think they’re miserable.

But anyway hopefully I’ve convinced you, not that you need convincing is pretty obvious that getting your zoning letter or your certificate zoning is crucial to your deal. So never buy an illegal park, feel free to buy a legal park and be cautious and be prudent when buying a legal nonconforming, grandfathered park.

So there you have today, you learned a little bit about history. Learn a little bit about zoning, until the next time invest well, save money, make money. Before ever get for no money. You can go to my website www.themobilehomelawyer.com and you can get a list of these 10 things that you’ve got to include in your zoning latter.





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