
Ep. 32 | Interview with Gonzalo Castro – Entering the MHP Space While Running Your Own Company


On this episode of The Mobile Home Park Lawyer, Ferd talks with Gonzalo Castro. Gonzalo is only 25, and after having success in the tech industry, Gonzalo decided it was time to invest in MHPs. Gonzalo gives his background and shares the wisdom that he has picked up so far.

“I think being engaged with your work is important because it’s hard to succeed if you’re not engaged in what you’re doing. It’s very hard to convince someone that hates their job to succeed, to go beyond their limits.”


0:00 – Intro and background to Gonzalo 6:00 – When Gonzalo discovered mobile home parks as an asset class, he started studying them himself 10:44 – It’s hard to succeed when you’re not engaged with your job, but Gonzalo loves to take himself out of his comfort zone 11:57 – Gonzalo explains the importance of being engaged in where you live 12:20 – There are many different ways to take on MHPs 15:11 – Gonzalo gives his tips on management recruiting, and tells a story about an employee who went from the lowest position in the organization all the way to being Gonzalo’s right-hand man 22:27 – Gonzalo gives some other tips for us to follow using his background in marketing 27:36 – You can find Gonzalo at gonzalovizdev@gmail.com and you can contact him with any problems you have


Email: gonzalobizdev@gmail.com


Ferd Niemann: Welcome back mobile home park nation. Ferd Niemann here again today with another interview, I’ve got a special guest today. He’s only 25 years old, but he’s already built several successful businesses. He’s an IT tech marketing savant. He’s a mobile home park owner. Got a great story. He got a big team he’s building in a number of different industries and asset classes. Please welcome Gonzalo Castro. Gonzalo are you there with us? Gonzalo Castro: Yeah, I’m doing great today. I mean, it’s a pleasure to be here. I wasn’t expecting to be here at all, you know, I’m pretty new to the industry in general I’d say. I mean, a lot of the people that I talk to are, you know, three times my age, maybe twice my age, basically on average. A lot of different backgrounds. I think one interesting thing about me is that I am Latino. I haven’t really met anyone else that is Latino in this industry. That’s, you know, acquiring communities or maybe haven’t been there out there that much. Right. And then the second thing is that, you know, every time I have these conversations with different owners, I think some of them will talk hey, what are your hobbies? And the first thing I say is like, well, I like motorcycles and I like video games. And then these guys will go oh, I like golf. Ferd Niemann: I like golf and shooting draft and drinking scotch at the [01:09 inaudible]. Gonzalo Castro: Yeah. In my head I’m like, wow, there, you can see, you know, I am a little bit out of my element, you know, but I think it’s very enjoyable, nonetheless. Ferd Niemann: It’s probably a little harder to build a rapport that way, but you’ve been able to do it obviously. And you’re very personable. So that’s great. Well, tell us a little about you. I know a little bit about your background, but for our audience, tell us a little bit about your background and any success you’ve had there, and then we’ll get into MHP as well. Gonzalo Castro: Right. So, I mean, I grew up in South America. So, I’m not necessarily from, you know, from America itself. My parents were very, very poor. And my dad was actually into construction and he was also into real estate as well. So, the story goes that my dad and my mom, you know, had some issues, right. But eventually, my dad was always trying to build different types of businesses. So, from a young, early age, I understood the concept of you can make money, making businesses, selling things, owning things, right. When I was like five and then as I got older, I realized, wow, I will love to do that kind of thing, but I’m poor. You know, I have no ability to get into the game. When I was about 15 or 16, I started, you know, having a little bit more freedom because it’s at the time you can get a job, you can start traveling, you can do more things. You’re not a little kid anymore, even though I was a little kid for all purposes of matters. I ended up, you know, starting this advertisement company, getting into the tech side of things, right. I ended up, you know, hustling you know, I will send them emails to people every day, I was talking to people. And the first thing I did is I said, well, it’s a liability that I can only speak Spanish. So, I shall learn English because if I am able to speak a different language, then I can, you know, open my world. And I did that. So, I picked up a dictionary, took some classes and pretty much self-taught myself English. Ferd Niemann: When you were 15 or 16. Gonzalo Castro: Well, I started self-teaching myself when I was like, I don’t know, maybe like six or seven, right. With the help of my mother. So, it took like a period of like 10 years to learn it properly. Then I did take a couple of classes in high school to learn it. And then when I got like a handle of what I wanted to do in life I decided, well, it will be best for me to move to America. So, I think the highlight of my career was that my business was doing so well that I managed to fund my own permanent residence in the United States with my business. So that, that’s like the highlight of my career so far, because in a way the US government said, we like what you do, you bring value to our economy. We want you to live here. And you know, after I came here, I said, well you know, give it a couple of years and all that. And got used to the system, right. Because the first thing that freaked me out about America was that you know every state is such a like your little country, right. You know, what works in Florida doesn’t work in Georgia, what doesn’t work in New York. And then after, you know, setting myself here, I said, what’s the next step? And I said, well, would love to get into real estate. So, you know, I started doing the, you know, the single families doing multi-families whatever. And I realized, man, it’s really hard to scale with these things. I feel like I’m able to do a deal, wait six months, wait a year. It just takes a long time. You know the system doesn’t work for the investor,  it works for the residential people, rather. I said, so I need economies of scale. So, I said, let’s look into apartments. And then I said, man apartments, I feel like I’m three decades late, two decades late. What’s another asset that I can look at. And I was looking at assisted living and I was looking at you know, trailer parks at the time. Yeah, I learned eventually that trailer parks was not something that you’re supposed to say (laughter) … Ferd Niemann: Kristen, edit that out (laughter) … Gonzalo Castro: But every time I talk to someone that’s not within the industry, I say trailer park. Cause they get it immediately what I’m talking about. Unfortunately. Right. I discounted assisted living because I said it requires, it has too much scrutinize. It requires too much management. You’re building a job rather than you build a passive income, rather. It’s just what I heard from most operators. Ferd Niemann: Yeah. And I think it’s more like hospitality where it’s like, it’s not just a real estate play. You’re in the service business or you’re in service and the real estate component. And I think, I agree. I think it’s a little more difficult to get up to speed and you’re going to have more personnel and skilled personnel. I’m biased, but I think you made the prudent decision to transition to MHP instead. Gonzalo Castro: Yeah. I mean, that was the micro decision that I made. So, to started looking into mobile home parks. And first thing I stumbled upon was that there’s a bunch of people offering different courses and offering different things. And I said, well before I take any, on course, I should, you know, study the business myself. So, because I live in Florida, there is a million mobile home parks around me. I mean, there’s two of them a block away from my house. You go drive five minutes away. There’s like 20 of them. They keep popping out of the corners of the streets. It’s very interesting. I feel like once you notice a mobile home park in existence, you start noticing all of them around you. Ferd Niemann: Absolutely. Gonzalo Castro: Yeah. And it’s really strange. Cause I’ll be driving with my girlfriend. I tell her oh my God, that’s the mobile whole practice. She gets sick of it. She’s like oh my God, goodness gracious. Please. I don’t care about the mobile home parks. Oh, there’s another one right there. Ferd Niemann: It is funny how that words, I was just, I just hired a couple of new guys and I told them that’s going to happen. And you’re going to notice. Growing up, I grew up in Quincy, Illinois, and there, I was like, there was probably three or four mobile home parks in the town and town was like 45,000 people. And then once I started looking at space here, 2011, 2012, I was like oh my gosh. There’s like 10. There’s like 12 and there are hidden pockets. Like places I didn’t, and I’ve been here for 18 years, you know, never noticed them. And it’s like that all the time, especially cool, is what’s cool I think is when you’re on Google Maps or Google Earth, the layout is pretty obvious. You’re scanning, okay this park is in, you know, I don’t know, Smithville, Missouri. Okay. Well then there it is boom, you just, if you see it and you gravitate towards it, it’s like, it’s so much easier to recognize once it’s on your brain, but I totally get it, it is cool though. Gonzalo Castro: Yeah. And as soon as I started noticing more of these parks around, I said, man, I should really just get into this business. Maybe I can buy something here in Florida. Little did I know back then and as I started getting into it more, I started doing research and I fell in love with the business because I found that to be interesting. I’m the kind of guy that I like to make money, but I like to have fun as well. I like to do something that keeps me entertained, keeps me, the way I like to put it is that you constantly solve a puzzle, and the puzzle keeps changing constantly. And that keeps you entertained because for me, you know, once you solve a puzzle or you solve a business right. In a way, I guess it gets boring. And for me, you know I don’t need a billion dollars just succeed in life. You have a much lower threshold. So, to kind of get by in a way. So for me, it was always like, I want to do something that gives me financial freedom, but at the same time, I want to have fun you know, building up to it or doing the grind. And then I realized, man, this industry is really, could be it because, you know, you have all these crazy things that don’t happen in traditional real estate. Like for example, if you’re buying single-family house, you don’t have to deal with a mom and pop owner, you know, that don’t have tax returns and they’re in the park, you know, and you’re buying it. And you know, it’s got some illegal things going on and there’s some stray cats going on and there’s, it’s just more fun around it. Every deal is like a puzzle. And I enjoy that very much. Whereas if you’re buying like a single-family, I always find it to be okay, well you come in, does it got mold? Does it got this? No. Yeah. All right. Done. Ferd Niemann: It’s definitely, I agree completely. It definitely can be more complex. That’s why they get really good at systems and good teams and good employees, but that to help, but yeah, it is like a puzzle. You know, on the legal side, there’s some stuff that I get called to blocking and tackling. I’ve got some other attorneys on my team and like hey, this, we got to do. We got to read this contract or hey we got to do the read the title work, make title objections. That’s kind of blocking and tackling. A lot of the operational issues and navigating those I think are the most complex and the most fun for me. And I think running mobile homework is like running your own city. So that’s why it is so much different than duplexes or something like that. I’ve had single-family, I’ve had duplex, I’ve got apartments. But MHP, I’ve been able to be more successful financially, but also it is more intellectually stimulating because you’re, you know, you’re doing things like, you’re the police. I have, you know, I have a 15-page rules and regs that an addendum to my lease. That’s way more rules than the city has pertained to MHP. And then you’ve got things like water, sewer provider billback, you’re providing to take care of trash. You’re washing up the community, got rules on dogs. We’ve got community amenities, like dark parks and playgrounds. We paint houses. And we go to other people’s houses to create the, you know, a better abmiance. And obviously, in some MHP we’ve got gated communities and all that. I don’t have any of those, but where you really are running a very tight ship, but no, I’m with you man. It can be stressful at times, but it’s definitely more fun, I guess than, you know, I have a lot more fun practicing MHP law, you know, for myself, for my clients that I did practicing real estate law on projects in the hundreds of millions of dollars. It was just like, I wasn’t felt like I was only working on a narrow scope, get the tax incentive, then we’ll get the contracts. Like now it’s like, there’s so much more ability to be a member of the team kind of a consultant. And that is fun. So, I’m totally with you man. Gonzalo Castro: And that’s why I think being engaged with your work is important because it’s hard to succeed if you’re not engaged in what you’re doing, you know, it’s very hard to convince someone that hates their job to succeed, to go beyond their limits. And for me, I’ve always been about that. I’ve always been about breaking out of comfort zone and doing things that I may not be comfortable with. I mean, literally what I did is that I moved from a third world country and then I moved to Pennsylvania right here in the US then I said, I don’t like Pennsylvania. It’s a little, I don’t know, Pennsylvania is a little not to discount it. But you know, the snow is a little hard because back where I lived, there’s no snow. So I could not understand that, you know, from I don’t know, September, August, November after that for like six months season, you know, you’re just buried in snow, so I said, let’s go to California. And I went to California, I went to live there, and I said, man, here is great but my goodness gracious. The taxes are ridiculous. Never mind. What’s somewhere in the middle that we can go. And I wasn’t quite in the middle. I moved to Indiana and I said, okay, this is kind of, you know, we’re a little bit in the middle. We’re not too much in the snow. We’re not too much, you know, California. But man, it’s a little boring here. So, I said, okay, how about we go somewhere else? Let’s head Florida. Florida, you got the heat, there’s no snow. You have, you know, a little bit more friendly tax rules. And then, you know, there’s more fun things to do. And I ended up really enjoying Florida. So, I’ve been here for the past couple of years. And, you know, it’s the same example, you know, as you said, being engaged with what you do is also being engaged where you live. I felt like once I took the move to Florida, I was able to power all my different businesses because I was in a better mental state. And I was able to put more work into what I was doing. And it allowed me to focus into more important things. So, I mean, I’m with you on that aspect. And I also really enjoy the fact that it’s an ever-evolving puzzle and you can tackle in so many different ways. I mean, you have, for example, lifestyle, mobile home parks, for example, the ones that, you know, Sam Zell and all these other big guys own, which are, you know, the not necessarily family-owned properties or family mandate properties, but more so properties that focused on giving people a different slice of life, almost retirement communities, if you will. But I’m more into the communities of like, you know blue-collar communities where people, you know, work and I can provide a safe environment for that. And I think it’s very meaningful work as well. I mean I think it makes you feel like you’re contributing something, right. Cause my traditional business, you know, it doesn’t really help anyone. Like it doesn’t provide anything to the world per se. I mean, I just advertise products. I just, you know, I do the dirty essentially things that you wouldn’t even notice, while you’re just going on Google. It does kind of just my bread and butter. But when you change the lifestyle of people and you improve their living conditions and then that, you know, I guess, you know, it helps you sleep a little better at night. It’s a little plus, you know. Ferd Niemann: No, certainly man, I mean providing affordable housing and I’ve told this story before, but we have people who, when they walk into one of our homes and they see it, they are like, they start crying. They’re like, I can, you mean I can afford this? This is how much? I get approved for this. Like yeah, they’re like, we take it for granted sometimes, you know, like that, you know, and then you wouldn’t as much, obviously if you came from a third world country, you know how blessed you are and all the success you’ve had. Some people, that your success is they believe is out of reach, it’s not. And you give them the slice of, little slice of American dream. They can own a home. I like the 16x 80 trucks, 1,216 square feet brand new. I can get somebody all on there for $850 bucks a month. They’re like, I’m paying a thousand at a crappy apartment. Like, how’d you like to own this thing? And I’ve had women come cry and give me hugs. And you know, all that kind of stuff. And you can see it’s real. It definitely is, obviously, there’s a financial component for me. So I kind of say, you know, a couple of our company goals and priorities are to provide, you know, reasonable, high-quality affordable housing, but then provide, reasonable high-quality investment returns for our investors. And that’ll work. We provide the housing, and we provide a high-quality return. That’s, you know, risk adjusting and work adjusting and all that. And then the same thing, we provide employment for our teams. And I’ve had as many as 75 employees at a time and I have less than that now. But I’m probably not counting all the vendors and subs and stuff like that, but I know you’ve got a number for businesses and you know, different employees and vendors and contracts. What can you share with us as far as, you know, management tips or kind of finding and identifying key talent to help your businesses? You wear a lot of hats. I know you can’t do that alone. So, what kind of advice can you give us on the recruitment management side? Gonzalo Castro: I think the first thing that you have to know when recruiting is that you have to know what you need and what you may need. Okay. You need to be ahead of the recruiting curve, you know, cause there’s at a point in time where your business does well, so you start here on this side of the spectrum, imagine all the way on the far, right? And then as you get better, as you improve your business, you make more money as it grows, as it becomes, you know, has more responsibilities. You start to realize, wait a minute, I should have an assistant, wait a minute. Maybe I should have someone do my books. Maybe I’m wasting too much time on Excel and then as you realize these things, you start hiring more people. There eventually there comes a point in time, as you get used to this curve, you realize, wait a minute, I’m in the moment of going through another curve, I should hire someone to help me with this next stage in the business. And I think the most important part number one is to realize what part of the curve you are, don’t hire too early, but don’t hire too late. There’s a sweet spot here where you want to be. And then the second point is I think the screening process is by far the most important thing. You need to understand what things matter. For example, to me, it matters less, for example, the credit score of my employees, right? But to me it matters a lot more what their circle thinks about them, right? These things that you can not necessarily quantify, but for example, what does the previous employer think about them? What does, for example, their professors at college think about them? What do they think about their work ethic? Because if you ask everyone or anyone rather, how much work ethic do you have? Oh, you know, I work, you know, all day. I’m the best employee ever. They always tell you, but then when you ask the professor oh yeah, Mr. Smith. Oh, yeah, he sleeps every class and barely does his assignments and, you know, he gets by with Cs. Well, you don’t want that employer probably. You know, maybe for a manager. Ferd Niemann: So, you’re actually calling not just employers, so you’re asking people to apply any references, including all your professors and you call those professors and grill em. Gonzalo Castro: Yes. And I like to have, I like to have a reference, so for example, if this may sound ridiculous, ut if they don’t have a reference, if they don’t have like, you know, different types of employers. Cause I employ all types of different people, right. People that have a lot of experience and people that don’t have experience, but they have the hustle. So, I’ll ask for example, okay, give me a recommendation letter from some of your friends. Now I want to see what they have to say about it. You know, just tell them to write a page about you. And that creates hilarious things, sometimes people say insane things about each other, right. But there’s sometimes you’ll hear things like hey, you know what, Mr. Smith, you know he’s not the most dedicated in the school, you know, but actually, you know, here’s one example from them where they went out of their way to help me in something, or maybe I needed help from them about a specific topic. And they went out of the way to learn about it and then helped me with it. And that’s a quality that I stay, that’s the kind of guy that I want in my company, because that guy went out of his way to learn something and bring value to an existing relationship. And that, you know, you can bring it back to a business aspect. So I mean, all these things that, you know, when I hear people hiring people, I’m like on the complete opposite spectrum, you know cause a lot of people want, you know, the college degree you know, perfect family situation. Kind of like a little bubble of a spectrum that they want. And for me, you know, I’m on the opposite, but the best employee I’ve ever had was a guy that was in college. He did not have a degree. He had zero years’ experience doing what I hired him doing, but he was the best employee I’ve ever had. So he was so good that he went from the lowest side of employment that I offer, all the way to the big manager, he manages everybody like essentially my right hand at some point in time running the whole thing. And how did that happen? Because the guy I hired him within three months, I realized, wait a minute, this guy within three months is managing everyone around him. He knows, he learned everything. He’s paying attention and he’s asking questions. I need to pay this guy more money, he is going to leave. I paid him more money, move into manager. Suddenly production goes up. Then I said, wait a minute. I’m wasting him as a manager. He needs to be managing the managers. And then, you know, the cycle goes up and up. And within three years, you know, the guy went from making, you know, $10 an hour, you know, he was making $45 an hour, so I mean, incredible change within three years. And now the guy was so good that he got poached from another company because another guy came in and said, well, your guy is so good, so they have to poach him. Yeah. I mean what can you do? I can’t be upset at an employee. You know, if offered twice as much as I’m paying, you can’t be mad at them, you know? Ferd Niemann: Yeah, no, I’m with you. I just brought on a guy in Logan, who is a friend of mine who is going to be coming on as kind of my chief investment officer to handle a lot of the investor correspondence and you know, P&L review, bank recs, monthly reports, bank underwriting, the banking relationship, all that kind of stuff. Cause I’ve just got too much on my plate and he’s very, he’s a CFA. He is confident in all that sort of stuff. So again, he’s not inexpensive, but I’m not just wasting money. And he knows that I’m investing money in you and investing money in the business by bringing on people of high quality. And then I used to oversee a bunch of people when I was accounting assessor here in Jackson County. And I remember putting this on the wall because the Jackson County, we didn’t pay that much. We couldn’t. I had some restraints and handcuffs on how I can compensate people, because it was quasai union. So I couldn’t just give somebody here a $10,000 raise and you go, well, you got to go to the merit pool, at merit commission, you get 2% like everyone else, but that was pretty demoralizing. So, Richard Branson has this quote that I stole and put on the wall. It said, train people well enough so they can leave, but treat them well enough so that they won’t. And what I had to do, I had to reorganize entire department and I had to go back to the legislature and the county executive and get permission for that. And I eliminated a bunch of low dollar positions to get some more higher dollar positions, more research analysts, skilled financial people. And I dropped from, I don’t know, 75 employees to 68, but I had more budget capacity to go reward people. And I could take some of the stars in my residential appraisal department, my systems admin department, my debt analysis guys, my commercial appraisers. And I could give them these new positions that I made up. And I could take them from $35,000 to $50,000 and that was life-changing for them. But for me, I could get great people to stay, which was always the challenge in government. You know, the two challenges in government, one is changing the culture from a culture of mediocrity to a culture of exceptionalism. And then the second was when you find people that are exceptional, having the resources to keep them on the team. So I was, I tried to change this, and I was there for five years and we did a lot of good things, but it was not nearly as easy as it is now in the private sector. They’re like, okay, you need a six-figure job. Okay. You deserve a six-figure job. And here’s why, and here’s, you’re going to do, as you know, I didn’t have that, that latitude in government side definitely can empathize with you on some of your struggles and some of your tactics on the management side, but that’s great that you’re able to do all that. So, what other tips? I know I got; I don’t want to take too much of your time. What other tips or tactics can you share perhaps in the marketing side, I know you’ve got expertise in that and you’ve made a nice living in Google and YouTube and other things as a consultant, how can you bring that expertise to our listeners to help them in their MHP operation? Gonzalo Castro: So I think when you analyze the business as a whole, right, you’ll notice that the industry as a whole, I mean, as a whole, I mean, mobile home parks in general, they’re lagging a decade and pretty much the decade in terms of online advertisement. I mean, if you look at everything they’re doing, you know, people are still doing, you know, the most primitive form of advertisement, you know, which is put a sign outside of the mobile home park and hope people call you for it. You know, this works, this works, don’t get me wrong. It does work for specific reasons. But if you really think about it, you know, you’re not really catching as many eyes as you could. And it’s also an interesting area because traditional form of advertisement, AKA put in the sign outside of the property, putting it on the newspaper, maybe making a radio ad, you know, these things still work. But you also want the new media cause you want to reach two different sides of the spectrum. You want the new families, and you want the old families as well. And I noticed that a lot of models of mobile home parks only focus on one side of the spectrum. You’ll have investors take over the management from a mom and pop owner, and then they’ll forego the traditional marketing and they’ll go only new market only on Facebook, only on Craigslist, only on, you know, these new avenues of finding places to live in. And then they forgo the other traditional market and they’re losing customers that way. So, the first thing I noticed is that you want to be a guy that wears all the hats. You want to put the sign outside, but you also want to put an ad on Facebook.  And then for example, if you notice the town for example, the town that I’m buying a park in Indiana right now, I notice that by doing my research, because my research is as simple as I go around, walk around town and I ask random people, random questions. So, 8 out of 10 people that I talk to told me that there’s a very popular radio station in town that half the town listens to. So, then I said, huh, very interesting. So, I contacted a radio station. I found that, that you can run ads for very cheap with them. So I said, huh, very interesting that you can reach the entire audience, half of the town, at least by paying, you know, a little bit of money, you know, but you wouldn’t think about this because it wasn’t like on the manual, right. It wasn’t an article online. You have to think of outside of the box a little bit. But then you also have to understand that, you know, right now we’re in this very awkward transition period because 2020 has a bunch of people in new media and a bunch of people in all media. You don’t have to think about this as the old and new, you have to think about this as one media, you know, put everything in the middle, put everything under the middle hat, use all your marketing efforts like, learn something from the mom and pop, don’t forgo one side completely. But the new investors also get a little bit arrogant as well. Cause they think oh man, I’m not going to put a stupid sign up outside. I’m not going to, you know, put a flyer. I’m not going to, you know, do these, put an ad on the newspaper, right. Who’s going to reach. You’d be surprised. I mean, when I did my test ad for this current park that I’m looking at, I got the majority of my calls cause I put ads everywhere just to test what picked up the most. And it surprised me because I got more hits from the local newspaper. Not the Metro newspaper. Mind you, the local newspaper rather than on Facebook. Which that to me blew my mind. But you wouldn’t know that if you didn’t know, if you didn’t try specifically each one of these avenues. So, the point being is that every town is different. You have to come into the town. This is why I recommend that when people invest somewhere, you actually go there. You know, don’t just look at it from Google maps, not just look at it from the internet and assume you can invest there, yeah everything looks good on paper, but still go there to get an idea of what everything looks like. For example, when I visited that town, I could tell, you know, kind of the Bible that town talk to the people. I can kind of see what wavelengths everyone is at. So, when I do my marketing or I do my advertisement in that town, I can say, this is what should work. This is what, you know, it’s tailored towards them. It’s not like one solution that fits all rather. So I mean, that’s something that I found success in and it’s something that I always tell people when they tell me oh, I can’t sell a home or I can’t get someone to, you know, interested in renting or I can’t get good tenants or things like that. You have to look at what strategy you’re using. And if that also attracts the type of tenant that you want. Ferd Niemann: Makes sense. I mean, yeah, we do that all the time. We even have, especially on the self-storage stuff, I mean MHP too, but under the self-storage stuff we got there with a couple of our parks. We put the little, I don’t know, tear off numbers, you know, go put them at grocery stores. Got put them in laundry mats. And even put those flyers, but obviously flyers in the windows of the home, signage out front, the banners, Facebook Craigslist, Realtor.com puts it on like 20 other sites like Cozy and Trulia and all that kind of stuff. Some of those are starting to charge where they used to always be free. So that’s on a case by case basis. But anyway, Facebook page and we try to do everything we can. I don’t get it. I don’t think I’ve done a newspaper ad in a while though, to be honest. So that’s probably the one that I have, we haven’t really had any trouble selling houses to be honest either. So, I haven’t, what we’re doing seems to be working. But it doesn’t hurt for sure. So those are great tips Gonzalo. I appreciate it. Where can people find you if they want to reach you? Do you want to be completely hidden and you’re only seeing on this one podcast, but if you want to give us your contact info please do. Gonzalo Castro: Yeah. Okay. So, I mean, you can find me I mean, I think the best way to reach me out. I mean, if you either want to work out a deal, you want to talk to me about something, you need help with something. I mean, I’m the kind of guy that likes to interact with anyone in this industry, right? Whether or not we can do business about something or whether or not we can learn something from each other maybe I can teach you something. Maybe you can teach me something right. Simple concept. And you can always reach me by email gonzalobizdev@gmail.com. Now I always have to spell this out. So, Gonzalo, G-O-N-Z-A-L-O, BIZ, B as in boy, I, Z, Z as in Zed and then a dev as a development at gmail.com. So, I mean, you can always feel free to reach me out there. Whenever any inquiries you have. Ferd Niemann: All right. Sounds great. Thanks Gonzalo. Gonzalo Castro: Hey, no problem. I really appreciate you for having me here and hope everything goes well with you. Great podcast. And I’ll keep listening as well. Ferd Niemann: Thank you.





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Arnold Schwarzenegger