
Ep. 106 | Interview with Bill Baird – How Submetering Water and Sewer will Save You Money


On this episode of the Mobile Home Park Lawyer Podcast, Ferd interviews Bill Baird. Ferd and Bill discuss how submetering water and sewer will save you money. Bill informs us about a master meter and its benefits and cost. Ferd and Bill also analyze and take us through some experiences and current examples of submetering with Ferd’s MHP/s/residents. 



0:00 – Intro
1:42 – Bill gives us an insight into his background and how he got involved in the MHP industry
3:45- Ferd mentions how he installs anti-leak devices as it doesn’t do him any good for his residents to spend all their disposable cash on the water company
5:06 – Bill shares his screen and displays one of Ferd’s smaller parks to use as an example
8:45 – Bill explains how 20% of Ferd’s water bill was due to a leak and how if it was fixed it could save a lot of money
9:18 – Bill states that water rates have nearly tripled since 2001
13:50 – Bill shares an experience where a client was losing 12.5 gallons of water per minute
16:55 – Bill shows how on one of Ferd’s lot where one of his clients was losing 54.2% of their water which is a lot of water waste
20:27 – Bill explains what a master meter does and why it’s helpful
24:47 – Bill dissects and takes us through a clients water meter bill and explains where the water loss is coming from
29:21 – Bill speaks about the cost of a master meter and how the price can range based of the size of your MHP
30:44 – You can contact Bill through the website metronsubmetering.com or through phone at 7208261174 or through email; bill.baird@metron-S2.com










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You can have results or you can have excuses but not both.

Arnold Schwarzenegger