Mobile home parks (MHPs) – also known by the more socially palatable moniker, manufactured home communities (MHCs), or the less appealing label trailer parks –
BLOGMobile home parks (MHPs) – also known by the more socially palatable moniker, manufactured home communities (MHCs), or the less appealing label trailer parks –
Mobile home parks (MHPs) are ripe for consolidation due to a couple of prevailing trends: 1) Aging mom and pop owners 2) Increasing corporate and private investor
As the COVID-19 rollout is accelerated, we can expect the return to normalcy to also pick up steam – in business, social situations, school, travel, etc.
Private capital has never been hotter for funding real estate acquisitions and other private business ventures. According to a recent SEC report, in 2019, for
When you first roll into a casino, you don’t usually put all your chips down on your first hand or the first roll. It was
On New Year’s Eve in 1967, daredevil Evel Knievel attempted to jump over the fountains at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. Falling short on the
If you’ve ever played in a pickup basketball game, you’ll know who I’m about to refer to. There’s always that one guy who does all
What investment goals/metrics are right for you? Just like there are no two personalities that are alike, there are no two investors that are alike.
For the real estate investor, hiring the right real estate attorney for your transactional needs can mean the difference between a smooth transition in the
Over the holidays, you may gather in smaller groups but no matter who you socialize with, talking business will inevitably come up. As an attorney
The MHP Lawyer Podcast 2022
Copyright 2009-2022 Ferd Niemann. All Rights Reserved. This Guide/Podcast/Website is intended for information purposes and is not to be considered by the reader as business, legal, tax or other advice. We are fortunate to have many clients give us positive feedback about working with us. We have included some of their Testimonials in this Guide/Podcast/Website or on our website. Please keep in mind that the success of any business or legal matter depends on the unique circumstances of each matter. We do not guarantee particular results for future clients based on the successes we have achieved in the past. Please also note the descriptions of attorney practice areas contained in this Guide/Podcast/Website are for illustration, as the actual scope of practice for any attorney can vary greatly. The description of attorney practice areas contained in this Guide/Podcast/Website (and the designation as a Mobile Home Park Lawyer) does not mean any agency or board has certified such attorney as a specialist or expert; specifically, neither the Supreme Court of Missouri nor the Missouri Bar reviews or approves certifying organizations or specialist designations. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. See www.themobilehomelawyer.com Disclaimer and Legal Notice page for additional important information. (Rev. 8-20-20)